About Us
EIN - 57-0814290
THISG provides an opportunity for caregivers and survivors to share personal experiences, stressful life changes, feelings, and recovery, through first-hand information.
We believe survivors' and caregivers' stories allow others' promises of hope, supporting those who have gone through similar experiences.
Support groups offer educational opportunities, such as a guest doctor, psychologist, nurse, or social worker, to discuss a topic related to their needs.
​Mission Statement
To advance brain injury prevention, education, and support for those affected by its life-changing effects throughout South Carolina, Charleston, and the Tri-County area.
Trident Head Injury Support Group (THISG) Corporation enriches its communities by caring, sharing, listening, and understanding.
Our goal is to advocate for and with people who have a traumatic brain injury or an acquired brain injury, educate the general public, and increase knowledge, promoting brain injury prevention through public awareness, education, and legislation.
When you join a new support group, you may be nervous about sharing personal issues with people you don't know. At first, you may benefit from simply listening. Over time, however, contributing your ideas and experiences may help you get more out of a support group.
Try a support group for a few weeks. Then, if it doesn't feel like a good fit for you, consider a different support group or a different support group format.
Remember that a support group isn't a substitute for regular medical care. Let your doctor know that you're participating in a support group. If you don't think a support group is appropriate for you but need help coping with your condition or situation, talk to your doctor about counseling or other types of therapy.
Leadership Team
President - Travis Richardson
(864) 444-7878
Vice President - Robert Durland Sr.
(843) 822-1967
The Ripple Effect
701 E. Bay Street, Suite 121
Charleston, SC 29403